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Journal jgardn's Journal: Multitude of ~isms all a load of donkey-doo

Consider this.

I am a racist because I am white. I am a sexist because I am male. I am a nationalist because I am American.

The charges go on and on. You can ask many people today about my ~isms because they are more than happy to call me a bunch of dirty names. These names have nothing to do with who I am, but have everything to do with what I am.

The same culture that denounces racism discriminates. I am talking here of Black (or African-American or Negro or whatever we are supposed to name it to be polite nowadays) groups that deem all white people to be the source of their problems.

The truth is that the white people are responsible for a lot of what is good in their lives. My ancestors fought to ensure their civil liberties. I am not just talking about the Civil War, but every war fought by Americans before and after that. Even the British and the Magna Carta, and even the Greeks and the Romans can be credited with their freedom.

The "feminists", who are really women who wish they were men, call me sexist because I am a man. They blame me for generations of women who sacrificed their lives to raise their children and provide a comfortable home to their families.

The truth is, women have a lot to owe to me and my ancestors. After all, it is men that granted women the right to vote. It is men that secured our great land and our freedoms so that they can do what they like with their lives.

And other countries hate me because I am American. They say I am trying to conquer the world or set up some kind of empire. The truth here too, is that if it weren't for the Americans (and the brave British and many others), we would live in an oppressive world. On the one hand, we would have constant warfare between nations. On the other hand, we would live under a fascist, socialist dictatorship. And on yet another hand, we would live under a brutal society where good is evil and evil is good. And on another hand, we would live in a world where a few crazy people can hold entire nations in fear. Yet we don't, because of me and my ancestors.

Isn't it interesting that the same people who complain about discrimination discriminate?

Isn't it interesting that the same people that plead for tolerance don't tolerate others?

I am not a sexist. I am not a racist. I am not a nationalist.

So before you go and accuse someone of ~isms, remember, you yourself are probably far more guilty than your victim.

