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Journal dragoncortez's Journal: Run Aground 2

Ah, James. The band from Australia that is. It's been a while since I bought one of their albums, but my co-worker is quite the fan. Anyway, that's where the title for this entry comes from.

I find that writing in my journal has become rather therapeutic, even if I can't spell or write in proper English. I added a couple new friends to my list yesterday, one of them being *dramatic pause* a girl. Yes, it would seem that girls really do post to slashdot, if this person and her other fans can be believed. In any case, I found her journal entries to be amusing. I think I was won over mostly by her Easter Day entry. I find myself in similar situations from time to time.

Ever notice how quickly you can build up tolerance for sugar and caffeine. I had to laugh at myself yesterday. I was tired, but I figured I'd be fine for the day if I just got busy on my current projects at work. Then, I pulled out some soda. Five minutes after that first glass of Coke, I could barely keep my eyes open. I am a weird person I guess.

I'm so proud of myself. I've posted four comments already this month, which is the total amount I'd posted in the previous six months. And because of my newfound desire to enter the infamous field of karma-whoring, I even scored some points. One of my posts actually was informative, so I guess that kind of evens out the posts that were purely an effort to get points for being so dang funny. Ha.

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Run Aground

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