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Journal dragoncortez's Journal: pending no more

Wow! I noticed this morning that my Zork story was accepted yesterday. Unfortunately, it was far too late to be posted as an April Fool's story. It was cool that Cmdr. Taco accepted it though. I wonder if all the editors had a chance to look it over...

In other news, it's Friday, and I'm anxious to get out of here (work.) However, I still have many hours to go - not a good sign. The great thing about this journal is that I can type all kinds of stuff, enable comments, and not have to worry about getting flamed, because no one else reads it.

Well, off to do more karma whoring, I mean, work.

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pending no more

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Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries, knows nothing about grapes. -- Philippus Paracelsus
