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Journal lyoz's Journal: I have no excuse for greatness

0540hrs (home)
Saw this movie "IGby goes down". Was really impressed by it. The story was good. Anyways, although the main character IGBy didnt turn out to be *great*, but he had that rebellious nature, which i believe I possess setting me apart from the normal, and my ego tells me it also makes me better, or higher, or nobler or something. But then I realized that my past or my life so far hasnt been that tumultous. There just hasnt been a catastrophic misfortune--a kind of divine intervention--that would give the much required push towards greatness...or maybe insanity.

Cogito, ergo sum But this doesnot mean that "I think, therefor I am better". This is just an unfortunate dilusion.

Had this amazingly terrible conversation with Fahim on way back from LUMS. Amazing cause we wondered--more then pondering-- from one *great problem* and *big question* to another with amazing ease. Probably because I cant really keep focus on what I want to say, and use up eveething I have in order to sound "authenticatic". To no avail. Confusion confusion confusion... terrible.

LUMS once again looks far and un-grabable. My routine these days is amazing--that is to say that I have no routine. I am sleeping in patches of 3 or 4-5 hrs and mostly more then once in a *Day*, doing almost nothing in between

"There is no way to tell if you are on the right path, you just have to believe that you are"
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I have no excuse for greatness

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"The hottest places in Hell are reserved for those who, in times of moral crisis, preserved their neutrality." -- Dante
