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Journal AB3A's Journal: Thanking Turkey and Syria

According to, US special forces have sabotaged the Kirkuk-Banias pipeline through Syria. This pipeline was one major source of cash for Saddam because Syria was selling it illegally.

Coincidentally, Syria announced that it would cut production by 240,000 barrels per day --about what that pipeline supplied.

There was a brief mention (no longer on the web site) that talks were underway with Jordan and Israel regarding an old Mosul to Haifa pipeline the British built 55 years ago, just before they left Palestine.

Israel and Jordan have been working on cooperative measures in the past. Jordan River water management is one of them. But something like this would take trade to an entirely new level. It would also piss off Syria and possibly even give the Turks a run for their money.

Jordan could sure use the cash for maintaining the pipeline and the port in Haifa is certainly modern enough and capable of handling tankers.

It's a great way to screw Assad's Syria; and giving the Turks some serious competition wouldn't hurt either. Stuff like this is poetic justice and it makes me grin ear to ear.

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Thanking Turkey and Syria

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