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Journal Chacham's Journal: Puzzle: 15 letter word, no repeat letters. (Found in a sig) 9

Simple, word has to be fifteen letters long, and no letters repeated.

On another note. What the longest word (not chemical name) you know? I believe the longest word, in English, is 28 letters. Each language has it's own thing. Such as, anyone know the word in the Bible (Hebrew) that has the highest numerical value? Then there's that book in English without any "e"s.

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Puzzle: 15 letter word, no repeat letters. (Found in a sig)

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  • Answers (Score:3, Informative)

    by Twirlip of the Mists ( 615030 ) <twirlipofthemists@yahoo.com> on Friday April 04, 2003 @02:41PM (#5662689)
    Fifteen unique letters: uncopyrightable. This week's debate in my journal brought this one home.

    And as for the longest non-chemical word: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, 45 letters. It's the name of a disease, made famous first by its length and second by a Simpson's quote.

    If you think using a medical term is cheating, we've got the 34-letter antidisestablishmentarianistically, meaning "in the manner of opposition to the disestablishment of the Church of England."
    • Fifteen unique letters: uncopyrightable. This week's debate in my journal brought this one home.

      I was thinking that would be a fun randomization program to write, and you just killed my motivation for it!

      Here's a bit of bacterium trivia, what's the largest bacteria in the world?

      No looking at Google, that's cheating.
      • Here's a bit of bacterium trivia, what's the largest bacteria in the world?

        I didn't know, so I did google for it, and the answer is very interesting! I was surprised!
        • I didn't know, so I did google for it, and the answer is very interesting! I was surprised!

          I found that out when I was working for a genetics company, it turned out to be my friends nickname. Her real name is M... (Not disclosing to give away the answer at all)
  • Here's some more word trivia:

    Shortest word with all five vowels: sequoia

    Two words containing all five vowels in alphabetical order: facetious, abstemious

    Also interesing: 'databases' is typed entirely using your left hand.
  • Such as, anyone know the word in the Bible (Hebrew) that has the highest numerical value?

    According to this site [chabadirvine.org], which I found with Google [google.com]:

    Question: The largest Gematria - numerical value of a word is in this week's portion. Can you find it?
    Answer: Numbers 16:13, the word "Tistarer", equals 1500.

    Of course, the Torah is only the first five books -- Genesis through Deuteronomy -- whereas the "Hebrew Bible" also includes the Prophets and Writings... but this is a first quick answer.

    Oh yeah ... "Tista

It is not every question that deserves an answer. -- Publilius Syrus
