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Journal Sloppy's Journal: OpenLDAP config database sucks 1

OpenLDAP (slapd) has always been one of the trickier things to have to deal with. I'd have a hard time figuring out what the fuck kind of magic shit needs to go into slapd.conf to deal with some interoperability problem, but Google is everyone's friend. Invariably someone else has had the problem first, and so I'd just look up the magic incantation and that's that. It wasn't too hard.

But that was old versions of slapd. They've changed how you configure it.

Have you seen recent versions? The slapd.d database? slapcat followed by ldapmodify? OMFG.

Words cannot express my hate. The man-days lost. Fuck you, slapd team! What were you thinking, you evil pieces of shit?!?

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OpenLDAP config database sucks

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