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Journal Andux's Journal: Pardon My Freedom (...and then we'll invade Russia!)

from the tête-du-merde dept.
Am I the only one who really wants to punch all the trendy French-hating fuckwits who have suddenly oozed out of the woodwork? Now, I enjoy a good "France surrenders" joke as much as the next guy, but the kind of people who are willing to shoot up a French-owned business just because they don't like the French government's stance on Iraq really disgust me.

Speaking of shooting at the French, does anybody else think the invasion of Iraq bears a striking resemblance to the German blitzkrieg tactics? I mean, we've got:

  • Air support paving the way for ground forces.
  • Authoritarian leadership on both sides of the war.
  • Overextended supply lines.
  • Shitty weather.

Damn near identical, innit?

After Goliath's defeat, giants ceased to command respect. - Freeman Dyson
