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Journal freejung's Journal: OK, no more politics

OK, I have decided to withdraw from political discussions on Slashdot. I feel that I have said what I have to say. I'm not a demagogue, an activist, or a propagandist, I just had some strong opinions that I wanted to share, for the record.

The debates over the war were great. I enjoyed them immensely, and I have the greatest appreciation, love, and respect for all those who participated. Wow, what an experience! However, I doubt I convinced anyone of anything that they don't already believe, and I doubt anybody else did either. That was not the point. Most people don't form their opinions based on ethical philosophy or rational argument. They form their opinions based on their preconditioned beliefs and the circumstances of the situation.

The point, rather, or at least my point, was to Speak Truth to Power. There is no way to convince those in power to change their policies, not by rational argument. They've heard it all before. But you should speak the truth to them anyway, just so that they know that you know, not because it will change anything, but just as a matter of principle.

Do you know what that was? That was the Truth. And do you know what we did? We Spoke it to Power.

But it is done now, so I am withdrawing from political discussions on slashdot. I don't want to try to fight a propaganda war, I don't want to engage in any kind of confrontation. I just felt that there were certain things which had to be said. I said them. I am done now.

Peace out...

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OK, no more politics

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The opposite of a correct statement is a false statement. But the opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth. -- Niels Bohr
