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Journal jeffy124's Journal: Securing Luggage and a Catch-22. Ahhh! 8

So I'm traveling by air soon, and am a little concerned about the idea of leaving my bag unlocked. So I checked out the TSA website, and the FAQ on the topic suggests using "standard cable ties" as an alternative. Anyone see the Catch-22 on that? You would need to carry wire cutters in your carry-on luggage in order to snip the tie when you reach the destination. But -- wire cutters are banned from carry-ons!

I could use a bread-tie, but those are weak and break easily. I could place an opened lock inside my bag, and leave a note asking they put it on, but that would require the screener to actually open the bag in order to find it.

Suggestions? Particularly anyone who has traveled since they've started this kind of screening?

RANT - If they (the TSA) wants to screen the inside of bags, they should do so at the ticket counter with the passenger present. This wouldnt open up the can of worms associated with leaving bags unlocked (particular those minimum waged baggage handlers and people hoping to get freebies at the luggage claim carosel). The screener can open the bag, poke and prod as he/she pleases, and the passenger can then lock the bag, and the screener hands the bag to the clerk who puts it on the belt. Result? none of this breaking locks, no leaving bags unlocked, no using cable ties that you cant undo when you reach your destination.

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Securing Luggage and a Catch-22. Ahhh!

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  • Shouldn't you be able to find some scissors at your destination. Or better yet, put some scissors in an outer part of your checked in bag.
    Seriously. You could put a gun (unloaded of course) in your checked in bag. Why not scissors?
    Just don't try to get on board with that nonsense.

    • i realize that. unfortunately, i dont have outer pouches on the bag that's gonna be checked.

      that is a good point - the hotel will probably have a set of scissors or cutters or something. hmmmmm......
  • Having flown many times under these new "security" rules, here is what I found works for me. YMMV.
    1. Inventory everything in your bags. Print out two lists - keep one on your and the other in one of your bags.
    2. Use zip ties and keep a cheap pair of scissors (! US$1) in one of your bag's outside pocket. The point here is to verify that your bag hasn't been opened.
    3. If, upon arrival, one of the zip ties was broken, immediately open the bag and verify that inventory matches your list. If it doesn't file claim ASAP
    • i'm only going overnight - leave tomorrow and come back saturday. and it's only a job interview - so i wont be taking much of anything valuable aside from clothing.

      the inventory list sounds like a good idea, and i think i can swing that.

      i'm aware of the keys. a few weeks ago i got pissed at something and slammed by car keys onto a table, cutting two small punctures on the side of my index finger. took two weeks to heal. :-)
      • You, sir, are a dangerous Unlawful Combatant.

        Please report to the nearest Peace Police Station for immediate tagging and transport to the nearest detention and reeducation center.
        Do not bring a change of clothes; orange jumpsuits and black hoods will be provided.

        Thank you.

  • If you don't put a lock on, and they do inspect your bag, they will put a cable tie on for you. And I found theirs to be quite easily breakable by grasping each zipper handle in a hand (I come equipped with two hands) and pulling apart.
  • I used nail clippers last time I flew. But that was 3 years ago. But those zip ties are much better than the crappy little luggage locks:)

panic: kernel trap (ignored)
