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Journal donnz's Journal: "The Project" Episode I

Ok, now for the first entries. Again, feel free to reuse, change an contribute back to the project (not all contributions will be accepted).

Subject:LOTR, Specfically - Gollum's Oscar (lack thereof):
Fortunately this topic is good for another year or so.

The link to the comment is:Re:In his spare time..

You may want to fix the "Te Papa" link as the stupid morons that designed the site insist in www in the URL

The 1st part of the comment can be used in an H1-B discussion, sort of. The second one is basically a plug for my home town, Wellington.

Subject:Old bastard mouths off about technology...:
Recurring theme. I think the article was in the Washington Post but every now and then someone more self serving will submit their own articles (under a false name) to try an drum up traffic.

This is the correct response to that sort of article.

Frankly, I was astonished to find the comment rated "Interesting" as it was supposed to be biting satire. (I've mentioned the culture / homour thing before). Maybe the moderator found the attempt at humour "interesting", I know my girlfriend does.

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"The Project" Episode I

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WARNING TO ALL PERSONNEL: Firings will continue until morale improves.
