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RIM Co-CEOs resign

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  • [ ]They have been trying to resign for weeks, but they were on Rogers and it took this long to get a signal.
    [ ]They quit weeks ago, but they have done so little for years that nobody noticed.
    [ ]Busy at a hockey game.

    • That first one is SO true!

      I think they're too late - if they really believe that what they needed was better marketing, AFTER knuckling under to 3rd-world countries demanding crypt keys, they're in full-on retard mode.

      If, on the other hand, they had drawn a line in the sand (what would have been so hard to tell the Saudis and the Indians to go s**** themselves anyway?) they would have had a real differentiator, and lots of free positive publicity.

      They're one-trick ponies who killed their own brand.

If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. -- Stanley Garn
