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Journal tomhudson's Journal: R.I.P. u7

U7 died earlier today. It was running fine when I left, but when I got back, there was a tell-tale smell of burnt capacitor, and power cycling a few times did nothing. Sure enough, when I removed the power supply, the strong smell at the exit fan, much less at the intake holes, was enough. Cause of death was, once again, a blown power supply.

6 years ago U7 blew it's original power supply at the 1-year mark, taking the original motherboard with it. Since replacing the motherboard and power supply, it's had ram upgrades, hard drive upgrades, video card upgrades, and a couple more NICs thrown in.

It was worth reviving the machine 6 years ago when it was almost new. Today? Not so much. I'll probably grab the power supply from U5 next time I'm in the garage, just to see if the thing boots or if the motherboard is also toast, but it's more for curiosity than anything else.

Good thing I had backed up my current work files to U8 (my laptop) Thursday, and hadn't done anything all that important since, what with the hospital yesterday and just not being in the mood (or feeling particularly creative) today.

Oh well, so much for installing BSD on it. And I had cleaned off one of the drives last week just for that. That makes 2 things less to worry about today - now down to 998 left :-)

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R.I.P. u7

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