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Journal jeffy124's Journal: More College B-Ball News...

So in my last JE was about me goin on national tv for the league final.

We lost that game, meaning we dont go to the NCAA field of 65 and the big dance. But we were still good enough for the smaller dance: the NIT.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7:30, Drexel heads cross-town to take on the Temple Owls. No word on TV coverage - most likely it'll only be televised locally.

Interesting thing in the paper - the two teams haven't played a regular season game in years. The last meeting was 1994, and even that was the first round of the NCAA playoffs.

No word (yet) on whether the band will be going. Most likely we will, but if we dont I'm still headed there (along with a bunch of others) - it's just a short ride on the subway.

oh - and today is the annual city coaches vs. cancer event, where all 6 city b-ball coaches hold a luncheon. i dont think cheney and flint will be sitting next to each other :)

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More College B-Ball News...

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