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Journal Luke727's Journal: BF3 final

Just finished the campaign; overall the story was fine, but the ending was pretty anticlimactic. In general the single player experience felt like a rough cut; it is clunky in almost every way, occasional graphics stuttering, and more than a few times entire dialog sequences were repeated (including sound effects of the truck long after we had dismounted). Say what you will about Call of Duty, at least they put out a polished product. By far the most frustrating aspects of the game for me are the visibility issues that I talked about last time; it is just so fucking over the top that it takes away from the enjoyment of the game. I can live with the abundance of smoke and dust, but the blinding light is hard to deal with; it is present almost all the time. I'll check out the multiplayer over the next couple of days, but I'm not very hopeful. At least I only paid $10 for it.

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BF3 final

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My idea of roughing it turning the air conditioner too low.
