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Journal homeimprovementinfo's Journal: What You Need to Know About Basement Waterproofing

Every basement, no matter where it is in the country, requires waterproofing. This is to avoid the seepage of water from the ground into the basement and do damage to the items stored in it. Basement owners who do not realize the value of waterproofing often find theirs stored furniture and other items infested with mold and mildew. Not all basements are used as storage spaces. Some are used as a studio, an entertainment room or a guest room and that is why it is important to have basements waterproofed in order to avoid underground water from leaking into the basement.

You can have your basement waterproofed easily by hiring a waterproofing company in your area. The waterproofing company will need to do some tests in the perimeter area of your basement to determine ground conditions. If there is a depression, even a slight one, this then needs to be filled up in order to prevent groundwater from accumulating to the concerned area. The waterproofing company will then check if the basement ground is higher than the areas around it. It is necessary to raise the basement ground high above the level of the ground not only to prevent water seepage but to preserve the walls of the basement as well.

There are many factors that contribute to a leak in your basement. If there are plants or shrubs near the walls of your basement, its roots can damage the walls, producing wall cracks that water can get into. Your roof gutters also affect your basement waterproofing needs. If rainwater collected by your roof gutters is poured directly near the basement walls, this can cause serious seepage problems to you basement so you need to have the roof gutters to direct the rainwater away from the basement walls.

There are a few things that you can do to prevent further damage to your basement walls if you suspect that water is seeping in from the ground. Using a shovel, you can excavate the ground directly surrounding the walls until the outside wall portion of your basement is fully visible. You can check the walls for cracks and do the necessary repairs using waterproofing compounds that you can purchase at hardware stores and home improvement depots. As a final touch, you can coat the outer wall with a layer of asphalt to prevent water from seeping into your basement.

If you just recently discovered water getting into your basement, you can do the necessary repairs on the inner basement walls by looking for all the wall cracks that may serve as an entry point for the water. You will then need to use a de-humidifier to get rid of all the dampness in the basement before you can start repairing the walls. Only then can you apply waterproofing solution to the inner walls and letting the solution dry properly to keep away the water.

Waterproofing your basement can be done within a day or a couple of days depending on the size of your basement and the amount of damage it has. Nevertheless, a leaking basement is not only unpleasant; it is also unhygienic and can largely contribute to the deterioration of your house.
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What You Need to Know About Basement Waterproofing

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