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Journal karniv0re's Journal: Ugghhh Mondays

There are some days when I walk into work and I know it is going to be hell. Usually it's because I'm tired, I wake up late, and I made a bunch of changes on Friday that are now coming around on Monday to bite me.

Today fits that bill.

I've been trying to tidy up the ColdFusion environment by making configs easier to update in one fell swoop. I'm using ANT's Filter Chain utility to modify the jrun.xml file. Only problem is, that
fucking file is a touchy bitch. You fuck something up in it, and your server can start behaving VERY irradically. I've had several problems with this and I think I just found another. Most of the
problems have been related to either not allowing the right IP addresses in or the clustering not working as expected.

Furthermore, I've been trying to put everything in SVN. This has also been a headache. I believe that if I can get everything set up, future configuration management will be easier. But setting it
all up has been a nightmare of broken shit.

I'm trying to figure out how to be more careful with these changes. And I always think I am being careful, but shit still gets broke.

I'm now worried that this is how the rearchitecture is going to be. I've titled the rearchitecture "Operation: Gitfo." Short for Git the Fuck Out, but it also sounds like Git'Mo, because I'm trying
to break out of prison.

Anyway, I just did 3 hours of fixing people's shit that I broke on Friday, damage control, investigation of shit that's been broke forever and will continue to be broke until I complete Operation:
Gitfo, and general nuisance managing. Now I get to fix all of our Autosys jobs. Joy.

Money will say more in one moment than the most eloquent lover can in years.
