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Journal tqft's Journal: I am trying to care

but giving a shit is a bit much effort at the moment

Sat down here an hour ago - actual time to do something i want even though I "should" be looking at job adverts or applying for a job.

Nope. Nah. Don't care today. and maybe not tomorrow. Work has fried my brain and stuffed me.

Clear skies - and i don't want to go out with my binoculars.

London burning and markets tanking - and people are surprised at this? Seriously are they that stupid and been living in a cave. or because there wasn't a "Job Loss & Foreclosure Court" reality show you didn't notice.

Is slashcode still sucky?

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I am trying to care

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Anyone who imagines that all fruits ripen at the same time as the strawberries, knows nothing about grapes. -- Philippus Paracelsus
