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Journal tqft's Journal: I hope no-one is relying on Indian Gov security 2 "After a triple bombing in Mumbai killed 21 people last week, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's office issued a statement condemning the terrorist attacks - from a Microsoft Hotmail address.


. Singh's staff's use of a free email account is typical of most government workers, who log into Hotmail, Google's Gmail and Yahoo's email to conduct official business. They also list those addresses on agency websites and business cards. Bureaucrats avoid the government system because it covers only 10 per cent of federal employees, doesn't include the latest security patches and can't be accessed via India's 840 million mobile-phone connections. " Security vs usability - guess what won.

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I hope no-one is relying on Indian Gov security

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  • A week before the terrorist attacks, Singh's office used Hotmail to send condolences to the families of 65 people killed in a train derailment.

    Can we assume from this that the terrorists don't like Microsoft?

    • by tqft ( 619476 )

      "Can we assume from this that the terrorists don't like Microsoft?"
      Infilitrate governments worldwide, disrupt communications, impair security, bring productivity down, distract people from what they want to do and make them swim in a sea of propaganda. Am I talking about microsoft or terrorists?

      No assumption necessary - who likes competition?

With your bare hands?!?
