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Journal tqft's Journal: Should I ... 7

[_] have found me a geek girl with a webcam fetish.
[_] quit work like I wanted to on Monday
[_] become Mr Brown Nose at work and climb the greasy pole
[_] drink large amounts of beer this weekend
[_] do all of the above

Not a good week even with day off in the middle which was nice

Nb: poll format stolen

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Should I ...

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  • [_] have found me a geek girl with a webcam fetish.

    [_] quit work like I wanted to on Monday

    [_] become Mr Brown Nose at work and climb the greasy pole

    [_] drink large amounts of beer this weekend

    [X] do all of the above

    Of course, given that I gave up drinking, I can't really do "all of the above", but since the question was "Should I" it remains in the conditional :-)

  • [X] have found me a geek girl with a webcam fetish.
    [_] quit work like I wanted to on Monday
    [X] become Mr Brown Nose at work and climb the greasy pole
    [X] drink large amounts of beer this weekend
    [_] do all of the above

It's time to boot, do your boot ROMs know where your disk controllers are?
