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Journal L0stb0Y's Journal: Random thoughts on Billy Goat Gates....

So I was thinking this morning...about our good buddy Billy Gates. I wonder how often he lays in bed, staring at the walls, and thinks to himself, "I can buy anything I want. I am the richest man alive." ~ I'm sure it happens quite a bit. How can it not? And what are the effects of this type of thought process on a person? I wonder. You see, his conquest is no longer motivated by money. When you have as much money as he does, its no longer about the $$$- its about POWER. I know, some will argue money *is* power, but this is different. Billy has maxed his "power from money" status, and now its the raw stuff he needs. His next fix has to be pure, uncut power. What else motivates him?

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Random thoughts on Billy Goat Gates....

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