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Journal mburns's Journal: Cosmological Screwup

The dimness of distant SNe Ia explosions is not evidence of a cosmological acceleration when the simple kinetic effect of this acceleration is accounted for. Namely, events that you are now accelerating away from and have attained a given speed of separation are geometrically closer than in the case where you are simply coasting apart. Remember that in the cosmological case the predecessors of the event and you start with a zero distance of separation.

You might ask about gravitation redshift and blueshift, but they both leave the redshift vs dimness curve with the slope unaffected. Divergent spacial curvature does cause dimming that departs from the curve expected in the case of flat spacetime, but so does an accumulation of carbon dust over time, or even a cosmic deceleration.

I think that I see a boneheaded mathematical error here, a complete omission of the kinetic effect.

Michael J. Burns

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Cosmological Screwup

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