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Journal L0stb0Y's Journal: Life after College: ~Introspections~

So I log back into my /. account after quite some time. Out of college, and wondering how long Uncle Sam will take to hire me. This waiting for security clearances and background checks is starting to get really old. (Magnified in part to the fact that I *hate* my job now.) It seems almost selfish, knowing so many of my friends who are out of work or would love the job I have now~ IT people searching the smoking heaps of crumbled companies for a job, any job~ *shrug*

Yes, I'm glad I worked as the Computer Systems Manager here while I finished college. Because now I know that my computer skills are simply a skill; a tool to be used to better perform elsewhere...definately not an end in and of themselves. Welcome to the real world.


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Life after College: ~Introspections~

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