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Journal mandelbr0t's Journal: Hactivism still warranted

It's the calm before the storm. No one talks about Julian Assange any more, public officials (in Canada, at least) pay lip service to more social responsibility. In general, the media creates the impression that the polarization caused by WikiLeaks and the American government's cry for Julian Assange's execution for espionage is history. In reality, however, the unswerving law-and-order agenda is preparing to rear its ugly head, to profile people according to their sins, and find a reason to throw more people in jail.

But let's be real. The people who were persecuted for WikiLeaks are still being persecuted. The American soldier who communicated with Assange is still being held in solitary confinement, every day his very being under attack. The British government is preparing to sell Assange back to the Americans. In short, we need another Assange. We need someone to lift the veil on the dirty investigations that are being done, and the witches that are being burned to satisfy current governments' lust for power. There are so many innocent people being persecuted in the name of the War on Drugs and the War on Terror. I see no changes on the horizon. I see no need for piracy and all the associated anonymous activity to stop. The hackers kicked ass in the 90s. They'll kick ass again, because politicians were, and still are, idiots. Let's make 2011 the Year of the Pirate! Yarrr!

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Hactivism still warranted

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