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Journal stefanlasiewski's Journal: octopuses or octopi 2

Ha! Finally a group with some authority on the matter.

I prefer octopod, myself.

Now I'm going to find everyone who corrected me in grammar school with a snotty 'It's OctoPI, stupid' and smack them around with the OED.

Honestly, askoxford is a great site for the grammar-challenged.

Although they still can't explain why some people (here in N. America) say "Wenz-day" wheras other people say "Wed-nez-day", and yet others say "Wedns-day". It's spelled Wednesday, but which is it?

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octopuses or octopi

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  • Octopussy and hump-day
  • From: ASK OXFORD
    To: "''"
    Subject: WEDNESDAY

    Thank you for your enquiry to Ask Oxford.

    Here is the relevant ruling from A Dictionary of
    Modern American Usage by Bryan A. Garner
    (OUP 1998):

    Wednesday is pronounced /wenz-day/ or /wenz-dee/. But some precisians want to -
    and do - say /wed-nez-day/, which is simply
    incorrect. As it happens, the first -d- has long
    been silent.

    Margot Charlton
    Ask Oxford

In any formula, constants (especially those obtained from handbooks) are to be treated as variables.
