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Journal envelope's Journal: go go gadgetmobile

I guess the knee's better now. I went and played soccer last night without really knowing how it would do. But the knee didn't bother me. I scored two (2) goals. We won 7-5. Interesting game. It was 6-5 at halftime, so the second half didn't have quite so much scoring.

Gadgetmobile? I don't know, it says subject is required. Kym's car's check engine light has been lit the last couple of days so I have to get her gadgetmobile to the shop for a checkup.

Tonight we're supposed to go out with some of her friends from school. I suppose that will be interesting, since we're so old these days and far removed from the college scene.

I'm guessing the outdoor soccer games for tomorrow will be cancelled. I'll find out a little later today.

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go go gadgetmobile

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