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Journal MondoMor's Journal: Who is this guy? 1

(I'm glad Taco finally found the brainpower to put the Journal topic items in alphabetical order. Christ, Slashdot's written in Perl. I'm a shitty Perl programmer, but even I could alphabetize a list.)

Who the heck is this? I've seen its/his/her posts for a while now, and I've come to like them because they're so fucking weird. I'm not a language propellerhead so I can't describe the language in any sort of correct terminology, but whatever it is it substitutes letters that make similar sounds.

"afrayed" == "afraid"
"moron" == "More on"
"patendead" == "patented"

Previous posts had even more of this sort of thing. I like how he taunts "robbIE".

Whatever or whoever it is, I raise a glass to you. Mixing in a little of the bizarre with the standard rehashed, party-line slashbot posting habits is a welcome thing.

Another post.

And some more.

Yet more.

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Who is this guy?

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  • I wonder what else got BROKEN in the process of alphabetizing the list?

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