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Journal Masa's Journal: Weblogs

"Blogging"... I wonder, what is the difference between this journal and weblogs. At least I'm trying to keep this as a diary or a journal (or is it same thing? I'm not aware of the differece between these two words).

Some sources state that the term "weblog" means that the owner of the 'blog writes entries about current events and publishes interesting links to various web sites. Well, what I have seen lately in several weblogs haven't been anything news-related or even remotely interesting. It seems that people just rant about different kinds of blogging applications or web sites or blogging in general. It's odd to read stuff about weblogs day after day. Doesn't these people have anything more interesting in their minds? Do they only think about weblogs? Is it some kind of a drug, which seduces you and after a while you can't talk about anything else than 'blogging?

Oh, well.

However, there seems to be one weblog, which is refreshing and quite nice to visit daily basis. Kasia in a nutshell. It has some pretty pictures and quite insightful log entries.

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