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Journal tqft's Journal: Link dump

Good vs Evil CSS - something to watch out for:
"Yet, I recently got spam where the offer was written in pristine English: no numbers replacing letters, no images, and no misspellings. How had such a brazen piece of spam got through my filters? The answer, it turns out, was some clever CSS that caused the HTML markup to be garbled but its visual rendering to be readable"

Interactive graphic that they say will be maintained of the Feds balance sheet

Australia is having an election soon
"The object of the election is, after all, to ensure that, whatever the size of the gap between rich and poor before the vote, the gap will be bigger once the natural party of government is back governing for the corporations."

Interview with the creator of the Kilngon language

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Link dump

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6 Curses = 1 Hexahex
