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United States

Journal pudge's Journal: Your Federal Money at Work in Snohomish County 2

I'd like someone to try to explain how this makes financial sense. Fourteen electric cars, powering them for $32K apiece, when just plugging them into the existing electrical grid would cost, by my estimate, less than a thousand dollars a year at $0.06 per kWh. It would take more than 30 years to break even.

Realistically though, it would be a lot less, likely. At 20K miles per car, using 0.2kWh per mile, it would be $240 per year per car, taking more than 130 years to break even.

I hope there's something more to this story, like, maybe they are going to power the Comcast Arena with the solar panels, too. I fear not, however.

I wonder what Rick Larsen thinks about this?

Cross-posted on <pudge/*>.

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Your Federal Money at Work in Snohomish County

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  • My local community has been dealing with a shoddy sewage treatment plant for years. It dumps raw sewage into the river whenever it rains. The city that owns the treatment plant has never found the funds to address the problems with it. They did just get a seven digit grant from Uncle Sam to put 50 kilowatts of solar cells on the roof of the place though. The matching funds they had to put up to qualify for the grant would be nearly enough to fix the storm water issue.

    Yeah that makes a lot of sense. We

  • ... In the same political movement. The one type believes in the "impossible" because they saw it in a movie, and it makes them feel good, and the other type manipulates the first type because they will believe absolutely anything you tell them as long as it makes them feel good. Solar, Wind, and rainbows all have their place in the energy arena, but right now, they are not primary sources of power. Maybe in 100 years, but not today.

    The second type, we can call them statists, are simply expending money as f

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