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Journal Philip K Dickhead's Journal: Christian leader caught with male escort says he needed help 2

Christian leader caught with male escort says he needed help with his luggage

"And in return, I can help you with that package..."

A Christian leader and prominent neuro-psychiatrist who co-founded the Family Research Council with evangelist James Dobson took a ten-day European vacation with a callboy he met through and was caught in an airport with the escort by a Miami newspaper.



According to Penn and Thorp, the slender, 20-year-old escort's profile advertises his "smooth, sweet, tight ass" and "perfectly built 8 inch cock."'s profiles are not indexed by Google.

"It is clear that Rekers has baggage and certainly needs help," said Wayne Besen, a prominent opponent of the "ex-gay" movement and director of the nonprofit Truth Wins Out. Referring to South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford, a conservative who claimed he was hiking when he'd actually been meeting with a mistress, he added: "At least he did not say he was walking the Appalachian Trail."

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Christian leader caught with male escort says he needed help

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  • Christian leader caught with male escort says he needed help with his lugg^H^H^H^Hpackage

    After all, you know these guys, they like to think they have really big ones because they fight SATAN!

    What's really funny is he's the guy behind a lot of the "become ex-gay, pray it away" family values stuff. Like gays and lesbians don't have families ...

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