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Operating Systems

Journal D+iz+a+n+k+Meister's Journal: freeballin' on freevibe

What the hell is the matter with these people? I wish I had some money so I could make stupid ass commercials. I would make a commercial where some dumbass "soccer" or whatever athletic type chick tells us about her anti-drug, and then bust in with Ron Jeremy, and have him give her a nice mushroom bruise. That would be some quality television. Manufacturing consent indeed. I would show my commercial right before Touched by an Angel. Is that show still on?

Smoking pot hasn't made me pregnant, nor anyone else I know. Having SEX got them pregnant. Duh!! And overly sheltered lives in the burbs where it's too taboo to discuss such a topic in the first place, not to mention CRIMINAL, is more of a hinderance than a helper in that kind of situation.

Now normally, I don't even notice the commercials during the Simpsons, but the latest one is so goddamn dramatic, it leaps out at me, and I almost drop my bong.

What a fucking downer man!! The youngest grandparents on the block??? Just kill it, if you have a problem with that shit. Isn't that the answer to Saddam?? If you can't kill it, cause of whatever wacked out delusions you call "principles" you may "believe" in(tehehe), then why are you so down about another human life coming in to this world? It should be a beautiful think. It's God's fucking will for christsake. Doesn't that mean anything to you?
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freeballin' on freevibe

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