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Journal jawtheshark's Journal: Ask Slashdot: Ubuntu and Network printing? 15

I have a big problem with Ubuntu 9.04 and my network printer. My network printer is a Ricoh Aficio CL2000N with duplex unit and it supports PostScript. One might think that this printer would be easiest to install on Linux. As a matter of fact, I chose this printer because it supports PostScript level 3 and is networked.

The OpenPrinting database even lists it as "works Perfectly". However, I can assure you it doesn't. I have configured it over the GNome interface, over the cupsd web interface with different protocols (IPP, LPD, etc....). The only thing it does is warm up and that's it. Ubuntu reports that the job has been submitted successfully. I have tried the PPD provided by Ricoh, the PPD provided by Ubuntu, the PPD that Ubuntu downloads if you don't want to use the stock one. Nothing.

I know 100% sure that it worked on Windows (which I can't test, since I have no Windows machines around). My work computer and the Atom both run Ubuntu 9.04 and they both have the issue. Oddly enough, I can print with my work laptop on the Xerox Phaser 8560MFP at work.

I've been searching left and right on forums, but never found any conclusive solution except that I don't seem to be the only one.

Any ideas?

Update 2009-10-22 00:15
Forgot that my sister has a Windows PC on my network. Installed the printer there. Works just fine. (Using the PostScript driver)

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Ask Slashdot: Ubuntu and Network printing?

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