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The Matrix

Journal Tet's Journal: Freedom at last 3

I have no phone. Its battery ballooned. Furthermore, the spare battery I had is refusing to charge, so I'm currently without a mobile phone. But the thing is, it's surprisingly liberating. I have long despised the telephone. It's an instrument of the devil. This is mostly because I'm not great at holding a conversation. I struggle to think of things to say. I'm really enjoying not being contactable at will. I feels as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders (one that I didn't realise was there in the first place). Carphone Warehouse not only don't have a new battery for me, but they can't even order one[1]. I've ordered one from a mail order place on the net, and it will no doubt arrive in a few days. But even when it arrives, I'm considering using my phone less. I suspect I'll still take it with me when I'm out and about. But I may well have it turned off much of the time. I like the feeling of freedom.

[1] What's that about? It's not as if it's a prehistoric phone. Sometimes I despair at the increasingly disposable nature of the consumer electronics market.

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Freedom at last

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  • My daughters taught me some of these:

    1. Need to get out of a conversation quick? Crinkle some cellophane near the phone, say "I can't understand what you're saying, can you rep [HANG UP]"
    2. "Oh, I didn't hear you call because I forgot it in the car."
    3. "My battery was dead."
    4. "I can't talk long - my battery is dying."
    5. "I can't talk right now - I'm in the car and I forgot my bluetooth and I don't want to get a ticket."
    6. "I have someone on the other line - I'll call you right back... " hang up " ... next week!"
    7. "I
  • Everything you need to know is in the subject.
  • Cell phones are for doing the following:

    1. Listening to podcasts
    2. Reading books (TEXT ZOOMS PEOPLE, figure it out!)
    3. Finding where to go to eat
    4. Checking up on movie times
    5. IMs
    6. SMS
    7. Sending email

    Who uses them for actual phone calls anymore?

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