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Journal Dr_Ken's Journal: The AR-7 Is The Geekiest Firearm I've Ever Seen

It weighs a mere 1.3 kg, assembles/disassembles in under a minute, shoots inexpensive .22 ammo and it floats! The Armalite/Charter Arms/Henry Repeating Arms AR-7 Survival Rifle that is. And to further endear it to geeky gun owners it is also customizable as hell too. See a short homemade video about the AR-7 here. If a geek likes guns at all this is one they'll like for sure.
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The AR-7 Is The Geekiest Firearm I've Ever Seen

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...this is an awesome sight. The entire rebel resistance buried under six million hardbound copies of "The Naked Lunch." - The Firesign Theater
