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Journal Dr_Ken's Journal: Razib Khan (Gene Expression blog)is bitching about dictators

Wow. That frickin' putz should talk. He banned me from the Secular Right blog for making comments that he didn't like. Not vulgar, rude, or otherwise trolly kinda stuff mine you, just stuff he didn't agree with. Upshot: If he doesn't like what you have to say, well... tough shit! Go start your own damn blog then Mofo! And it wasn't even his post I was responding to. Called me a moron and then blocks me from the site. What a guy. What an ass. Oh, well that blog is pretty much toast anyhow. When the owners act that way it's pretty easy to see why. Stringent moderation is one thing but how someone can act so heavy handed and then bitch about other people being dictatorial is pretty ironic.
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Razib Khan (Gene Expression blog)is bitching about dictators

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