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Journal Misty Rious's Journal: The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich...among other stuff

You know what it's like when you meet those people who have SO MUCH TO SAY, but are annoying to the point where no one will listen? Yeah, the kind where the internal pressure in their heads just builds and builds and builds till the dyke collapses and it's released in a tidal wave of epic proportions on an unwitting victim. Well, I had the pleasure of being such a victim last night. Some of my boys tried to save me, but hey, I'm here to learn about German culture, right? ^_^

SO, Hitler was a street kid growing up in the back alleys of Vienna. He took it upon himself to wonder why he had it so poorly when those crazy Jews were so rich - anti-Semitic literature has a way of warping impressionable minds. Having volunteered for the German forces in WWI, he was assigned as a message carrier to the front lines and amazingly lived through it. In the economic havoc - debt, inflation, poverty in general - that followed, he began to talk to friends and comrades. Why do those Jews have so much while you have so little? Your life savings are going for a single loaf of bread while they are fat off of your money! We must take our money and country back! While the communists were shot and the monarchists talked out of control by the higher-up officials, Hitler stepped up to take the reins in 1933.

*lol* This whole thing (and this is the condensed version) took about 15 minutes - I also got the life story, where he lives and where he used to live and why, what he does for a living, what he studies, how the education system works, why the Americans were able to drop the A-bombs instead of Canada, why Bush is an idiot and how he's working all this Sept11 shit against Iraq...sometimes, you just have to listen to people and you'll learn a lot more than by asking questions.

It takes a certain type of girl to play hockey. These types are rare in this country. But I found one, a fresh import from Ottawa last night! Does anyone care to send more over? I need to start a cult over here, it's big enough in the GTA already.

I think I should start my own travel agency. There's a certain satisfaction to be gleaned from finding a rock bottom price whose existence no commercial agency will ever admit, student discount or not. Can we say return flight from FRA to YYZ for 315? I think we can!!
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The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich...among other stuff

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One possible reason that things aren't going according to plan is that there never was a plan in the first place.
