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Journal johndiii's Journal: Objective-C 1

For one who is very used to C++, this is an odd-looking language. I've been reading some of the Apple docs, with a view toward writing some programs for my MacBook and my iPhone using Cocoa.

The documentation set from Apple looks pretty complete, but it's a big mountain to tackle. I found quite a few books, but it's unclear which are good and which are not (even, or maybe especially, after wading through the Amazon reviews). Any tips on getting started with this? Tutorials would be good (I am going to work through the one that Apple provides, but I'd like a little more in that way).

This discussion was created by johndiii (229824) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.


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  • One of the nice things about being the administrator of Rosetta Code [] is that I can be both helpful [] and self-serving [] at the same time.

    Take a look at the list of existing Objective-C code examples, and get practice by implementing the ones that haven't yet been done.

What ever you want is going to cost a little more than it is worth. -- The Second Law Of Thermodynamics
