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Journal GeckoFood's Journal: [slashdot] I spotted this on the front page 11

As our way of thanking you for your positive contributions to Slashdot you are eligible to disable advertising

Um... I have been a subscriber for about 5 years, I cannot be trusted with mod points, and yet I am eligible to turn off advertising? Gee thanks. I feel special - you'll give me for free what I already paid for. Whee.

This discussion was created by GeckoFood (585211) for no Foes, but now has been archived. No new comments can be posted.

[slashdot] I spotted this on the front page

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  • At work this year, they blamed the economy for not giving most of us a raise, not even cost of living. Then, they handed out chocolate bars with a custom wrapper with 1,000,000,000 on it - saying, "Congratulations, we did this volume of business in the last year!"

  • by FroMan ( 111520 )

    Well, I'm not a subscriber, but I still got the option to turn them off. So I did and I notice the first story on the front page isn't all mucked up anymore with a large white spot where an add should have been if I didn't used adblock.

  • No modpoints, but eligible to turn of advertising. On both of my accounts.
  • Question I ponder as Slashcode devolves into a Web 2.0 mess.
    • The old Circle is now pretty much split between Facebook, Livejournal, Multiply and Blogger. Many of us are still connected to each other on each of those networks where we have accounts. Multiply has the largest concentration, seemingly followed by Facebook. I've only made one or two Circle-related connections on LJ. (BTW, ping.fm is great for updating to multiple services, and has a better customer service system and attitude than any social networking website I've encountered; I just wish it would let

      • The old Circle

        I was never more than a marginal piece, if that.

        Social Networking isn't really my thing, which is why I'll never create an account on Facebook, MySpace, LiveJournal, etc.
    • I have no idea why you are still here, but I know why I am here! And I'll bet you my buddy, my friend, is not to be found at Multiply or Blogger. This _is_ the place to be!

      • Re: (Score:1, Flamebait)

        by RailGunner ( 554645 ) *
        but I know why I am here

        Obviously you're here to lower the average intelligence of slashdot posts, since you're a barely literate troll.

"I have five dollars for each of you." -- Bernhard Goetz
