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Journal Alioth's Journal: Some Italian sex on wheels 2

So my Cagiva Mito is *almost* ready to go on the road - there's just one more bit of electrical work I need to do. I have most of the fairings back on now, and with them on it doesn't look like a puny little 125 but Pure Sex On Wheels. I will take some pics when I put the bottom fairing on.

I actually gave it a short run today (all of 200 yards, up and down the lane by my house) to verify the clutch was operating properly, and gears were getting selected properly, and the speedometer was working. (All were). It also demonstrated I need to make a proper ramp to get it out of the lane and into my back yard, I just laid an edging stone down as a (rather steep) ramp, and I needed to drive it up because it was too steep to push, and the entrance is narrow and it's surprisingly hard to get a bike up a steep gradient through a narrow entrance when the back wheel just wants to spin on the grass... actually the real solution is to put a large door in the back of my shed so I can park it in there.

Once I get the remaining jobs done, I can get it insured, do my CBT and get it on the road.

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Some Italian sex on wheels

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  • That sounds amazing, and those bikes look awesome. I had never heard of one before... 129 kg == 284 lbs ... are you serious?! Did you put up another journal on this project that i don't know about yet?
  • have better luck keeping it in one piece then you do with the helis. ;)

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