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Journal Tet's Journal: Tiscali must die 2

Tiscali must die. And I'm not talking about a quick death, either. No, this needs to be long and painful, and I need to be there to gloat while they suffer.

A greater hive of ineptitude and incompetence you will not find anywhere in the galaxy. I've logged the fault, but if their track record is anything to go by, it'll disappear in to the ether, never to be seen again, and the problem (in this case, they're bouncing my email) will be resolved at some undetermined point far in the future :-(

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Tiscali must die

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  • could be classified as a security bug

    At which point
    a) you won't be allowed to know what the problem is
    b) you will then be charged with "hacking the system"
    c) gov will get involved and you will be examined for terrorist tendencies while on holiday in Cuba

    • by Tet ( 2721 ) *

      you will be examined for terrorist tendencies while on holiday in Cuba

      Actually, I've done that. Or rather, they were more looking for drug dealers than terrorists. Cuba's a nice enough place. But honestly, the questioning was so amateurish it was laughable. Who are you? What have you been doing in Cuba? Holiday, you say? Did you have a good time? Where have you hidden the drugs?

Someday somebody has got to decide whether the typewriter is the machine, or the person who operates it.
