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Journal Zerbey's Journal: January 20th, 2003 (Martin Luther King Day)

An eventful few weeks, to be sure.

My parents visited between January 1st and January 15th. Was very nice to see them again (the last time being Feb 2002). We took them on a tour of the local area, the highlight being the day spent at Mount Dora. Yes, we took my English parents to the English tea room there - not exactly showing them American culture but they serve good food and even better tea. On the flip side, they got to see Logans which is definitely American, and Kobe which serves excellent Japanese food (which means NOT sushi, I *hate* sushi).

Thomas continuing to grow, and grow! Now up too 11lb 7oz. He went for his pediatric and cardiologist vists today - he's doing very well and was taken off all of his heart medication today! He is now smiling and can lift himself up when laying on his stomach. He is trying to stand and walk already - skpping crawling I suppose. He is currently recovering from a winter cold so is very snuffly, and therefore a little fussy but nothing serious.

I am gradually getting back into my routine at work, with Thomas being sick and then my parents visiting I honestly can't remember the last time I put in a 40 hour week. My wallet is not happy. Lots of projects which should keep me busy for the next few weeks though.

It's Martin Luther King day today, we have made some progress since he was killed but still have a long long way to go. Maybe when my grandchildren are here we will see an end to racism, but I doubt it.

What this country needs is a good five dollar plasma weapon.
