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Emulation (Games)

Journal Tet's Journal: Crap 5

1. 35118 Tet the High-Elf Mage, Level 25
Killed by Shagrat, the Orc Captain on dungeon level 15 (Max 16)
(User 500, Date 2008-11-22, Gold 3659, Turn 3036336).


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  • 3036336..... Wow... just Wow! Oh, I suck at NetHack ;-)
    • by Tet ( 2721 ) *
      Yep. Angband, not NetHack, though. It took me around 3 and a half months to get that far, so that's an average of around 30,000 turns per day.
      • Angband.... Looks wewwy kewl. :-D Perhaps I could run it on my EEE PC. :-P
        • by Tet ( 2721 ) *
          Yes, Angband is most excellent. Indeed, as I've said many times, it's the best computer game ever written. Twenty years on[1], and I'm still playing it, which can't be said of any other game I've come across, so they must have got something right! It should run on an EEE PC just fine, too.

          [1] Technically, when I first started playing, it was called Moria. It was later expanded and enhanced, and turned into Angband.

        • Visiting the in-laws and needed a game to keep me company. Will try angband :D

It is now pitch dark. If you proceed, you will likely fall into a pit.
