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Journal AntiFreeze's Journal: Busy for three days, and welcomed back by 56 messages. Gah!

It has been a very busy week. So I have about half an hour of free time, decide to check slashdot, and 'lo and behold, I have 56 messages waiting for me.

So, skimming through a few of them (and deleting the bulk of them, sorry guys and gals) I came upon a few posts I need to reply to, when I hopefully get some time towards the end of the weekend.

So, um, this journal entry is really just a reminder to myself of what I need to reply to when I finally get some free time.

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Busy for three days, and welcomed back by 56 messages. Gah!

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"It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side." -- Frank Zappa
