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Journal ObviousGuy's Journal: Fuck you IE, Fuck you Outlook 4

I had a pretty long JE nicely written, but it got wiped out with a single click in Outlook.

How about opening web links in a new browser instance, fucker?

How about caching the fucking contents of the page, IE?

FIL's computer breaks, none of the photos I took came out, I spill a little coffee in Yodobashi camera and get kicked out, and now IE deletes my JE.

What's next? Meteor to the head?

[Update] I guess I should make clear that I was typing directly into the 'Entry' text box and that text was erased. I received an email from a coworker that had a URL he wanted me to look at. Click. Page opens in existing IE window. JE gets deleted.

I really didn't expect the original JE to turn out so long, so I didn't write it in Notepad.

Stupid me.

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Fuck you IE, Fuck you Outlook

Comments Filter:
  • Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, uncheck 'Reuse windows for launching shortcuts'. Aaand relax! :)
  • Why doesn't this piece of sh*t software displays the actual EMAIL ADDRESSES in the received emails, rather then just people's name ? This is feature which irritates me the most. Unless soneone has found a way to enable this...? I'd like to know !

If you can't get your work done in the first 24 hours, work nights.
