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Journal davidsyes's Journal: Google Gaming/Design Opportunity

This AM, I stumbled upon:

and then recalled another website that suggested that Google may be interested in on-line gaming. Well, if Google are interested in net-based games, and if they are willing to plunk down some serious cash, they might consider looking at PTC:

If Google can harness the collaboration features of the CoCreate product, and get it before it's arch rival does, then it might be possible to adapt that technology to enable a whole new environment of gaming (without specialized, expensive consoles, or, instead, with specialized, low-cost consoles/appliances) as well as collaborative CAD development world.

Gartner last year issued a comment:

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Google Gaming/Design Opportunity

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I've finally learned what "upward compatible" means. It means we get to keep all our old mistakes. -- Dennie van Tassel
