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Journal davidsyes's Journal: What's up with the ms Site? Seems DOWN... 1

As of time 1829 PST (and as early as 1815 PST) the microsoft site seems to be down, DDOSsed, or otherwise taken out.

Has anyone a clue what is up? My sysadmin came by my desk and asked if I wanted a good laugh. I said, sure, and he said, "Try to get to a microsoft site. I tried from three computers and couldn't get to their site."

So, I tried from Internet Exploder, and fail. Tried Google. Got there. He said he could get to any site other than ms. I tried my mobile phone, and it showed ms' site, but some pages were blank unless I turned off "show images".

Is silverlight turning to mercurochrome to them?

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What's up with the ms Site? Seems DOWN...

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