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Journal davidsyes's Journal: Diatoms Nanotechnology - Transformation Buy button An inno

Filed under "Biotech" since, astonishingly, there is no "Nanotechnology" Journal Topic drop-down.

Diatoms Nanotechnology - Transformation

"Nanotechnology has the potential to transform our world with new kinds of materials and devices made out of nanoparticles - tiny bitsof matter. An innovative way is being developed to create nanomaterials - using microscopic organisms called diatoms. I'm Jim Metzner, and this is the Pulse of the Planet.....

'There are three benefits in using diatoms to make nanostructured semiconductor materials. First, the process is environmentally friendly and doesnt use any toxic chemicals. Second, the process is simple. We let the living diatom, with a little help from us, do all of the work. And, third, diatoms have the ability to make new nanostructural designs that cant be duplicated by man at present.' "

But, what about the diatoms?

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Diatoms Nanotechnology - Transformation Buy button An inno

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