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Journal daemonburrito's Journal: Grrr... Astroturfing Scumbags - Brett Glass is a Shill

This guy has made me angry in that very special way that only astroturfing scumbags can manage. He is the submitter of this article: FCC Commissioner Urges, Don't Regulate the Internet.

Here is a link to what he really believes are the industry's "best practices" for ISPs: (pdf).

Among his more slashdot-friendly positions:

ISPs should...

  • Block all ports and services except for http and https
  • Ban SSH and VPNs
  • Inspect traffic and block non-approved applications

How unbelievably insulting, to think that just by throwing some Libertarian red meat at slashdot he could create an astroturf campaign to bolster McDowell's position. He even posted a link to McDowell's email as AC!

Take your "online strategy" and shove it!

Afterword: I will concede that I don't know for sure that he posted a link to McDowell's email. My point remains, though. He definitely doesn't really care about usenet or freedom of speech. He really does think that subscribers using their own "unapproved" software is dangerous, and supports prohibition of encryption (except for using https for banking and shopping). And he is absolutely carrying water for the apparent minority opinion of the commissioners.

This group of telecoms and ISPs, represented by McDowell and Glass, wants the freedom to turn the entire net into Verizon's VCast. The future is bright... Hope y'all like Britney Spears.

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Grrr... Astroturfing Scumbags - Brett Glass is a Shill

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"There is such a fine line between genius and stupidity." - David St. Hubbins, "Spinal Tap"
