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Journal ObviousGuy's Journal: Memories... All alone in the moonlight 2

Sometimes an old song just pops into your head and you can't get it out. Sometimes you only know a few lines, but for some reason you just can't get the rest to come together in your head.

Maybe if I write it down someone can help me fill in the blanks.

On a chicken farm
Just down the stream
From Oakridge, Tennessee,
A nuclear reactor
Leaked some water accidentally.

What happened next
Is like a horror story by Ralph Nader
That toxic waste leaked into
A brood house incubator.

Inside that chicken coop
They always kept the TV on.
Said, the programs helped the chicks to grow
Helped to keep them calm.

As four little chickens
Put that heavy water down their gullets,
The kung-fu show was on the air.
Something happened to those pullets.

They began to grow and grow
With that kung-fu show locked in their brain.
That's the only way we can explain...

Teenage mutant kung-fu chickens
(buk buk BWAK)
Big as a house, strong as the dickens
Anything they want's easy pickin's
For teenage mutant kung-fu chickens

One said his name was Fricasee,
The second: Cordon Bleu.
The third was Cacciatore.
And the fourth they just called Stu.

They could have been dangerous
Having grown so big on heavy water,
But they decided they would live their lives
On the side of law and order.

And I can't remember the rest. A little help?

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Memories... All alone in the moonlight

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